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Version: 1.x

Project Setup

Setting up your environment

We use Anaconda to keep track of the high level dependencies required to create this application. The environment files required to generate the dev environment have been provided with the repository in the dev folder.


Download Anaconda here: Anaconda Individual Edition

Each operating system requires its own environment to develop in. To facilitate this task we have provided platform specific environment files. Use the one that is relevant for your system.

For Windows
# create the conda environment from the file
conda env create -f .\dev\win-fairshare-dev.yml

# activate the anaconda environment
conda activate fairshare-dev

# install all the project dependencies
yarn install

For macOS
# create the conda environment from the file
conda env create -f ./dev/mac-fairshare-dev.yml

# activate the anaconda environment
conda activate fairshare-dev

# install all the project dependencies
yarn install

For Linux
# create the conda environment from the file
conda env create -f ./dev/linux-fairshare-dev.yml

# activate the anaconda environment
conda activate fairshare-dev

# install all the project dependencies
yarn install

Manual installation

If you would like to use nvm instead for handling your nodejs versions, this is also possible. However this is not recommended and we would suggest you use the node installation provided to you by Anaconda.

# if you don't have nvm installed use the following instruction
curl -o- | bash

# install nodejs
nvm install 16


This will also mean that you will need your own local Python 3.9 installation. All your packages must be installed via the provided requirements.txt file

We also provide a standalone requirements.txt file for anyone who wants to use the basic python environment using venv. For this case, you will have to install the latest version of nodejs and yarn before you start any development.

pip install -r .\dev\requirements.txt
yarn install

Installing packages


For python packages we prefer that you use conda-forge if possible. This makes exporting your new environment file much easier. If a package that you require is not available here, you can also use pip to install your package.

conda install -c conda-forge <package-name>
pip install <package-name>


You can use the vast library provided via npm to add any funcionality via JavaScript. In this application we use Vue 3 so please verify that your package is supported by this framework if necessary. Please use Yarn as your package manager.

yarn add <package-name>

Updating your environment file

If you have added any new packages and want to update the environment file to reflect these changes use the following instruction to save your changes.

conda env export --no-builds > <platform>-fairshare-dev.yml

Language and framework versions

The minimum required programming language and compiler versions are provided below. Please be aware that this is subject to change. This application might work for run time environments earlier than the ones specified but this has not been tested at the current moment.

  • Python: 3.9
  • Nodejs: ^16.13.0
  • Yarn: ^1.22

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